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Re: Bear claims kill left by hunter
Re: American Samoa - Lata Mountain 3170, highes...
Peak bagging in American Samoa
A nice winter day to visit a 14er above Lake Co...
Lake Como Road
Canyons of the Ancients National Monument (BLM,...
Yucca House National Monument (NPS, Colorado)
Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monu...
I thought this 1st ascent video in Indian Creek...
The new Collegiate LiDAR ranked 13er
A West Needle LiDAR ranked 12er
Nice easy 12er on sweeping grassy slopes
Re: Some surprises re-visiting Yankee Boy Basin...
Taiwan - Mount Jade, highest point in Taiwan
fun animals, Taiwan
“Frostbite? I consider that a failure.”
-- Marc Twight
A guide is leading a client up a challenging first ascent. Every time the guide gets to a particularly dangerous section, he stops and puts on the same red shirt. The guide climbs pitch after difficult pitch, beautifully. As they near the top, the client finally asks about the red shirt. "If I had fallen," says the wise and courageous guide, " this shirt would disguise the blood, and you would not be frightened and lose heart." "Amazing," thought the client, marveling at this forethought. The next day, as they neared the summit, a section more difficult than any before loomed above them. The guide started up, then downclimbed and started rummaging in his pack. "What are you looking for?" asked the client. "My brown pants."