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A nice winter day to visit a 14er above Lake Co...
Lake Como Road
Canyons of the Ancients National Monument (BLM,...
Yucca House National Monument (NPS, Colorado)
Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monu...
I thought this 1st ascent video in Indian Creek...
Bear claims kill left by hunter
The new Collegiate LiDAR ranked 13er
A West Needle LiDAR ranked 12er
Nice easy 12er on sweeping grassy slopes
Re: Some surprises re-visiting Yankee Boy Basin...
Taiwan - Mount Jade, highest point in Taiwan
fun animals, Taiwan
Palau - Mount Ngerchelchuus, highest point in P...
Connor Herson climbs Meltdown
“Every time I go out and do something, Hans panics and starts trying to beat me. He's like a dog humping your leg.”
-- Dean Potter
Two hikers rented a boat to go fishing in their local lake. Amazed at the number of fish they caught, they decided to come back the next day to try their luck again. The first hiker asked, "How will we find this spot again?" The second hiker takes a can of spray paint, paints an X on the bottom of the boat, and says, "We'll just look for this X tomorrow." The first hiker said, "You idiot! How do you know we'll get the same boat?"